Business — Banking — Management — Marketing & Sales

Branch operational resources

Category: Branches

Branch operational resources

The introduction of the seminar will be done with a quick view of the main elements to take care of in financing a branch’s current activity, regardless the banking business.

Ask trainees what a branch needs to operate. Compare with the next after discussion.

Focus by topic

5 M






Men and Management

This focuses on the personnel in the branch. It includes all the employees, with the range of skills needed.

Concerning management, the problem is similar but more acute since it is more difficult to find managerial talent than commercial or sectoral capabilities.


This focuses on the need to operate systems in the branch. It must take into account all automated tools, including ATMs, computer systems (software and hardware), and all technical tools commonly used.


This deals with all the managerial framework of operations in the branch. This means significant workload, to include: procedures, organisation, schedule, skills backups, etc.

The definition of people’s jobs is crucial. Men need to know what they are supposed to do, and how it impacts the branch’s business.


This concern the budget that branch management has. It should be sufficient to include:

Ability to face day to day expenses, buying stationary, etc.

Maintenance and all external services: heating, cleaning, security, etc.

Marketing and promotional actions, sponsoring, etc

Possibilities of offering rewards to outstanding personnel in case of exceptional performance

Allocation of responsibilities

What should be managed by the branch alone or by head office?

Doing business in a remote area requires high amount of autonomy most of the time but it generates perversions. In fact, priorities for branch people are not always the same as those perceived by headquarters and this requires regular monitoring.

Development of low-cost communication possibilities make this always easier to achieve and improve.

Initiate a debate: centralisation / decentralisation.

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