Extending the notion of resources
Category: Branches
This session is very short since it reminds the HR session, which has been developed in module 1.
1. Human resources management pays
Human resources are considered by Western banks as a resource among others. And here is an example of the estimated profitability of HR management, which by far outperformed financial and industrial investments in a sample of industries.
2. What is found as HR management
HR is most of the time ill managed. According to local cultures, hiring and managing people is mostly based on criteria not linked with the adequacy of the person to the job.
3. What should be HR management
HR management is among the most delicate tasks that exists, so it is difficult to summarise it in a few slides. Main elements here to remind are:
To assess skills and their adequacy to the jobs
To assess the future changes in requirements, determining a career path. The objective in doing this is to ensure that an individual’s future is understandable and motivating. The risk to avoid in doing so is to prevent that skills leave the bank to competition. As it is said with humor at Citibank, the large US bank: “Train the best, keep the rest”.
Also schemes need to be developed to ensure that compensations and other “retainers” offered to bank employees match the individual’ real performance.