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How to increase motivation to work. Factors of motivation. Types of stimulation

Category: Staff’s Motivation

What are the qualitative factors of motivation?

What type of action for a qualitative motivation

You are responsible for a unit. What would be your answer to the different expectations of your colleagues, knowing that you are a manager who is convinced that the motivation of the people at work is the key to success?

Expectations of your colleagues What do you do?
Understand what one does (integration of the meaning)
Express oneself, be listened to
Interest in the activities carried out
Autonomy, responsibility
To feel useful, recognised, even important
Know how one is appreciated, fairly
Respect and esteem
Self development
Future prospects

The four basic types of stimulation

— Unconditional Negative Stimulation (U.N.S.):

It attracts the attention of the receiver on what is being reproached and, so, tells him the sort of attitude that is the reason for the failure. Sometimes it can make him do what one is trying to avoid.

On the other hand, it creates a negative spirit, dissuasive and censured, which can, over time, result in discouragement and be, at the limit, destructive.

Thus it is only to be used in extreme cases, where it is necessary to “make the point”, for instance to break the complacency of the person involved in the conversation.

— Conditional Negative Stimulation (C.N.S.):

It persuades not to go in the opposite direction of the given instructions. It is not very encouraging, but avoids the repetition of the mistake. Do not hesitate to use C.N.S.’s, but always with a definition of an improvement contract, concerning the progressive objectives that have been discussed, the correct necessary actions to be implemented, proposal of a help, follow-up or control depending on the agreed assessment. Take care that the contract can be implemented and not bound to be failure (too short a time, insufficient means), before becoming dynamically involved in a great success.

— Positive Conditional Stimulation (P.C.S.):

It encourages and orientates success in the required direction and also shows the ways that have to be used. It is indispensable for the stimulation and training of the personnel. But, to be really efficient, it must rest on a solid foundation of positive unconditional stimulation.

— Positive Unconditional Stimulation (P.U.S.):

It encourages building a positive image of oneself. Without it, the person reacts to the stimulation received on a day-to-day basis. Not only does it motivate, but also it encourages the development of the person. It revitalises the will to take initiatives and to become’ sufficiently autonomous to fully use all one’s capabilities.

By making colleagues less dependant, the U.N.S. also makes them less controllable. If, at the same time, we do not show the necessary confidence that we have in them, they will become de-motivated.

One must make them acquire simultaneously extra skills, an interesting work with varied and increased responsibilities and even, in the future, promotion and wage increases. If not, the purpose will be interpreted as a manipulation and will be incoherent.

Centred on the individual, unconditionally Centred on the work, conditional
Positive “You are one of my best colleagues”

Encourages the development of the self image

Use occasionally

“Your file is of quality”

Should succeed

Frequently useful (striking facts) with, in the background, P.U.S.

Negative “You are not one of my best colleagues”

Complaint about general attitude

Negative attitude

In the end, discouraging

Use only in extreme case to “make the point”

“Your file is not of good quality concerning…”

Not very encouraging

To avoid the same mistake

Use regularly, with a realistic “contract (why?, How?)

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